
performer from 2022 AUJO "Jazz at the Nest" concert

First “Jazz at the Nest” concert to take place Thursday, 10月. 26

亚什兰, 俄亥俄州 – The 葡京平台线上 Jazz Orchestra will perform its first “Jazz at the Nest” concert of the 2023-24 season on Thursday, 10月. 26. 事件, 哪个是免费向公众开放的, will take place in the Hawkins-Conard Student Center’s Eagle’s Nest starting at 7:30 p.m. 的AUJO, 在斯科特·加洛克的指导下, 音乐教授, has been providing the AU campus and greater Ashland community with diverse jazz programming and…


葡京平台线上 graduate promoted to assistant chief for Norwalk Police Department

While Michael Biller came to 葡京平台线上 to play sports, he left with a strong desire for a law enforcement career. “One of the main reasons why I chose AU was because of the football and baseball programs,比勒说。, 2008年毕业于亚什兰大学. “I only played football for one year and baseball for three years. I decided to concentrate on my academics and my career in law enforcement during my senior year.” 这个决定给比勒带来了回报,他是…

Jillian Peterson speaking at Symposium Against Indifference

Forensic psychologist offers AU audience new ideas to consider to help eliminate mass shootings

Katelynn Roach’s reaction to years of school mass shooting drills maybe contributing to a student eventually doing it for real? “I had never thought of that,” said the 葡京平台线上 criminal justice major. Ian Zapcic’s reaction to softening measures being more effective than toughening procedures in stopping a mass shooter? “That was what really jumped out at me,” said the visiting professor of social work at AU. 丹尼斯·戴尔对人类的反应…


里德将于11月11日举行教职工独奏会. 5

亚什兰, 俄亥俄州 – Thomas 里德 of the 葡京平台线上 Department of 音乐 will present his annual faculty recital on Sunday, 11月. 5、晚上7:30.m., in the Elizabeth Pastor Recital Hall at the Center for the Arts (331 College Ave.). 演出免费向公众开放. 里德, 谁吹单簧管和萨克斯, will be joined by guest artists Charles 里德 (cello) and Kevin Jones (piano). The program will feature compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus…


Sourcing and procurement expert to present Heffern Lecture on 11月. 20

亚什兰, 俄亥俄州——布鲁斯·麦奎伦, 他是Cross Country Coupa事务所的合伙人, will be the featured speaker at 葡京平台线上’s Gordon E. Heffern Lecture on Christian Ethics in Business on Monday, 11月. 在约翰饭店. 迈尔斯会议中心(杰斐逊街638号.). 十一点半开门.m. for the event, with the program staring at 12:05 p.m. It is open to the public, but those interested in attending should RSVP here by Monday, 11月. 6、或者给萨曼莎发邮件……


LeBron James Family Foundation executive director is an 葡京平台线上 graduate

Even after 30 years, 米歇尔•坎贝尔 still cherishes her years at 葡京平台线上. “To this day, I have lifelong friendships that were made there,” said the 1991 AU graduate. “Ashland helped shape me into a young professional and the leader that I am today.” 今天, Campbell is leading the LeBron James Family Foundation (LJFF) as its executive director and oversees all of its I Promise Schools in her and James’ 首页town of Akron, 俄亥俄州. “说到……


AU partnering with Yad Vashem to improve Holocaust education

亚什兰, 俄亥俄州 – 葡京平台线上 has entered into a partnership with Yad Vashem, 世界大屠杀纪念中心, and will welcome two visiting scholars to campus during the 2024 spring semester as part of a program to improve Holocaust education in the United States. The partnership will benefit Ashland faculty members who will receive education and training—Terri Jewett, a professional instructor in the Dwight Schar 教育学院, 已经……


MFA grad and CE instructor finding success writing dark fantasy, weird fiction stories

Growing up, 内森巴舍乐 read many stories by horror writers Clive Barker and Stephen King. He decided to give writing his own spooky stories a try in 2017. “In some hybrid of a quarter-life/mid-life crisis, I took up writing because my friends and teachers always enjoyed my writing and my ideas,巴彻勒说, who earned his Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing degree from 葡京平台线上 last year. “在2018年我卖掉了我的第一个故事之后,我只是……


AU grad 维姬King-Maple named director of 俄亥俄州 Mid-Eastern Governments Association

维姬King-Maple, 虽然我是一个专业的交流人士, has a hard time putting into words the love she has for 葡京平台线上. “It’s a second 首页; it’s family,枫国王说。, 葡京平台线上“三冠王”校友, having received her bachelor’s (speech and public communication, 1995), master’s (education in curriculum and instruction, 2000) and doctorate (educational leadership and leadership studies, 2019)非盟学位. “作为一名学生,我……


AU 剧院 presenting Pulitzer-prize winning play “Proof” 10月. 19-22

亚什兰, 俄亥俄州 – The 葡京平台线上 Department of 剧院 is presenting the Pulitzer-prize winning play “Proof” by David Auburn from Thursday through Sunday, 10月. 19-22. All performances will take place at the Studio 剧院 in the Center for the Arts, 在星期四, 周五和周六的演出晚上7:30开始.m. 周日下午2点的日场.m. “Proof” is part of the 文学院 and Science’s Symposium Against Indifference: Perspectives on the…
