
When participating in university-run or -affiliated programs and activities, volunteers, students, faculty and staff must:

  • 始终保持警惕,以保护未成年人的福祉和安全,他们在校园内外的互动.
  • 注意虐待或忽视儿童的迹象,并及时报告涉嫌虐待或忽视儿童或违反本政策或本政策中所述联邦法律的情况.
  • 在参加任何涉及与未成年人接触的大学或附属项目或活动之前, 每位参与者必须符合本政策有关培训和犯罪背景调查的要求.

Training for Those Participating in Programs and Activities

-附属项目或涉及未成年人的活动必须完成适当的培训. This training must include:

  • Guidelines for working with minors in a safe and positive manner.
  • Warning signs of child abuse and neglect.
  • Guidelines for protecting minors from emotional and physical abuse and neglect.
  • 举报涉嫌虐待、疏忽和不当行为事件的要求和程序.
  • 遵守和理解未成年人保护义务的证明.



Additional information and required training materials can be found in Appendix A of this Policy.

Criminal Background Checks

某些人在参加大学运营或附属的涉及未成年人的项目或活动之前需要清除犯罪背景调查. The individuals who must undergo background checks are described in Appendix B of this Policy.

If a criminal background check reveals adverse information or unfavorable results, 该大学将使用旨在识别未成年人潜在风险的标准进行个性化评估. 先前的定罪不会自动取消一个人参加涉及未成年人的节目或活动的资格, but shall be considered using these criteria, which are described in Appendix B of this Policy. Except where required by law, criminal background checks of university faculty, staff, 根据本政策进行的学生和志愿者的信息将仅用于与本政策一致的目的,否则将保密. 背景调查记录将与个人人事或学生档案分开保存.

非大学组织和实体在校园开展涉及未成年人的项目或活动必须对其员工进行犯罪背景调查, volunteers and representatives to ensure that they meet university standards. Additional information, exclusions and standards are described in Appendix B of this Policy.

有关犯罪背景调查的其他信息和程序可在 Appendix B of this Policy.

Reporting Potential Harm to Minors

Individuals who know, 怀疑或收到未成年人被虐待或被忽视的信息(或担心未成年人的安全)必须通过电话通知安全服务 419-207-5555. These individuals include but are not limited to the following:

  • 参加大学及大学附属的涉及未成年人的项目和活动.
  • Participants of non-university programs and activities involving minors on campus.
  • Mandated reporters.

Individuals who witness child abuse in progress must immediately call 911. 事故发生后,应尽快通知安全服务部门.

After contacting Safety Services, the following parties should be contacted and made aware of the issue:

  • The reporting individual’s supervisor, program director, dean or vice president (when it is safe and appropriate to do so).
  • 儿童和家庭服务局(CFSA)和/或当地执法部门(州法律要求强制记者这样做).

有关义务或在有关情况下采取的行动的问题,应通过电话向人力资源和法律事务主任提出 419-289-5034.

Additional Obligations for Mandated Reporters

除了本政策中描述的大学对参与涉及未成年人的项目和活动的人施加的报告义务之外, certain individuals are considered mandated reporters. Mandated reporters have additional obligations under state law. 这些个人有责任了解和理解他们在上述法律下的义务.

Addressing Reports of Abuse or Neglect


  • 收到报告的人员应立即通知安全服务处处长.
  • The Director of Safety Services, 与人力资源和法律事务总监以及相应的大学领导一起, shall:
    • 立即采取步骤,防止对指称的受害者或其他未成年人造成进一步伤害, including, where appropriate, 在问题解决之前,将被指控的施虐者从项目或活动中移除,并/或限制他们与未成年人的接触.
    • Determine whether local law enforcement and/or CFSA have been notified and, if not, whether such notification is required or appropriate given the circumstances.
    • 如果受害者的父母或监护人尚未被通知,并且他们不是被指控的施虐者,则通知他们.
    • Investigate the report and resolve the matter in a way that safeguards minors, protects the interests of victims and reporters, affords fundamental fairness to the accused and meets relevant legal requirements.
    • 协助学校配合执法部门进行的任何调查, CFSA or any other governmental agency.

每当有报告称,一个与大学无关的人,参与了校园内的非大学项目或活动,虐待或忽视未成年人, 收到报告的人应立即通知安全服务处处长. The Director of Safety Services, 人力资源和法律事务总监以及适当的大学领导应与参与项目或活动的非大学组织或实体进行必要的协调,以确保本政策的要求得到实现.